JP3 Measurement

Optimizing Condensate Stabilizers: Getting the Last Barrel, Sponsored by GPAC

Optimizing Condensate Stabilizers: Getting the Last Barrel, Sponsored by GPAC
Thur, May 21, 2020, 12:15 – 1:30 pm CDT
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The primary function of a gas plant is still the recovery and purification of methane for transport as natural gas; however, the importance of producing and high value natural gas liquids (NGL’s) and hydrocarbon condensates has increased dramatically in recent years.

Achieving optimization increases production volume while lowering fuel costs, greenhouse gas emissions, and potential VOC releases during vapor recovery. This process has been performed at several North American facilities using process Near Infrared (NIR) analyzers to provide the real-time compositional and vapor pressure results necessary for feedback control.

About the Presenter, Phil Harris (President at Insight Analytical Solutions): In his over 30 years in industry and academia, Phil has provided expert insight and analysis for a variety of process analyzer applications. He is the author of over 30 papers on analyzer systems and routinely presents at industry conferences and teaches sample system courses around the world.